The Benefits of Early Childhood Education

In recent years, there has been an abundance of studies that have proven the vast benefits of early childhood education and the effect it has on those who take advantage of it. Many childhood education specialists believe that through the means of childhood education, children develop a range of highly important skills such as peer interaction, preparation for higher education, emotional growth, respect, kindness, empathy, and much, much more. Preschool is truly an opportunity for a child to grow socially and academically, allowing them to be highly successful in their later years. 


Improves Social Skills: A very important benefit that early childhood education–preschool–provides to children is the opportunity to improve and advance their social skills. In a preschool environment, a child will be able to learn how to interact with adults–teachers and assistants–as well as children that are in the same age group. Additionally, a reputable preschool will be able to help them attain the skills they need in order to make friends, share, cooperate, express ideas, listen to others, and learn how to be accountable for their actions. Acquiring proper social skills as a child is pertinent to their growth and development, for these are the skills they will use for the rest of their life. 


Kindergarten is the precursor to a child’s education and academic journey. The basics that are taught in Kindergarten serve as a stepping stone to the education they will receive as they progress through grade school. However, Kindergarten happens to be the grade in which children get held back most often. This usually happens to the children who were simply not ready and need more one-on-one learning opportunities. Enrolling your child in a highly reputable preschool can make a significant difference in your child’s Kindergarten experience. A preschool education will help to prepare your child physically, socially, emotionally, and cognitively for the next step in the start of their education.


Once a child reaches their elementary education, it becomes more prevalent to teachers which students will be needing special help in their studies, and which students perform at an advanced level. With that being said, it’s a known fact that children who participated in early childhood education have a lesser need for assisted education instruction in their elementary years. With a preschool education, children are more likely to learn and develop at an average to above average level. 


Another important benefit of early childhood education is that it promotes the development of better language and cognitive skills. Researchers state that between the ages of 3 and 5, a child’s vocabulary increases from 900 to 2,500 words, and sentences start to become longer and more complex (source). With that being said, with a preschool education–with the help of the teachers–children will be able to increase their speech and language capabilities through the means of being introduced with new vocabulary words and critical thinking questions that span throughout each subject. Additionally, preschool will also help to develop a child’s cognitive skills by giving them opportunities for hands-on activities that will require them to think, observe, and engage.

Enrolling your child in our Franklin daycare facility is one of the best decisions you could possibly make. By registering for The Children’s Academy, your child will be able to grow in so many ways–socially, emotionally, educationally, and cognitively. The benefits of early childhood education are absolutely staggering; everything they learn in their younger years is bound to shape who they are as they grow, and the relationships and milestones they’ll reach along the way.